Smart Loops has just released 3 all-new SL MultiTracks drum loop libraries in ACID WAV, and Apple Loops formats, for compatible Mac and PC digital audio workstations.
Each library includes fully mixed stereo loops and individual drum and cymbal loops (Kick, Snare, Hats, Overheads, and Toms).
Medium Straight Rock 15 Some funky grooves with some syncopated backbeats and tasty hi-hat licks. A bunch of fills to choose from too!
Medium Straight Rock 16 Side-sticks, snare patterns, tight hats, and rides. All kinds of grooves. Variety is the spice of life! Fast Rock 5 Nothin' fancy about these grooves, Just fast, hard, and kind of punky.
Each MultiTracks library is only $14.99. And for a limited time you can download all three libraries for just $29; or go BIG and download the Complete MultiTracks Bundle (60 libraries) for just $499