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{row['f_intro']}The Practice of Mastering - 3 : The Position of Electroacoustics

April 2005 - "The Position of Electroacoustics", third section of Dominique Bassal's article "The Practice of Mastering".

{row['f_intro']}The Practice of Mastering - 2 : Means, Functions and Underlying Logic

March 2005 - Dominique Bassal's article "The Practice of Mastering in Electroacoustic Music". Second part : "Means, Functions and Underlying...

{row['f_intro']}The Practice of Mastering - 1 : History

March 2005 - First part of Dominique Bassal's article "The Practice of Mastering in electroacoustic music". This article was first published...

{row['f_intro']}Books and documentation .

September 2004 - In this section you will discover books and documentation proposed and rated by the MacMusic members. We open it with Mike...

{row['f_intro']}The Audio Plug-ins

April 2003

{row['f_intro']}The perfect pitch

January 2003 - Many musicians consider perfect pitch as an invaluable gift. What is its origin ? Is it acquirable ? Can we say that what?s...

{row['f_intro']}The world of MIDI

October 2002 - Comparison between MIDI and Audio

{row['f_intro']}Choosing speakers

April 2006 - Some advice on choosing speakers for your studio

{row['f_intro']}Equalization - Sound Mixing.

May 2004 - Translated by Dominique Zbiegiel. In this second part of our article "The Equalization", we will talk about mixing: how our...

{row['f_intro']}Beyond stereo 3 - The virtual Acoustic.

May 2004 - Taduced by vince-y. In this third and last part of our article serie about Above the Stereo, we are dealing now with a high end...

{row['f_intro']}Compression-Part I

November 2003 - Handling the compressor with confidence and dexterity, experiencing and comprehending all of its secrets, from soft knee to hard...

{row['f_intro']}Beyond the stereo sound Part 2 - Never 2 speakers without the 3rd dimension...

November 2003 - Following the first part dealing with the multi-channel sound playing, we will now talk about the 3D-sound universe applied to...

{row['f_intro']}Beyond the stereo sound Part 1 : Multi-channel sound

August 2003 - Nothing new under the sun : the stereo sound shows its limits and does not let you be surrounded in a sonic space. In front of...

{row['f_intro']}Virtual acoustic, the recalculated sound.

July 2003 - Translated by Dominique ZBIEGIEL. The computer-assisted acoustic have been existing for years. The progress carried out, in...


April 2003 - A column made out of messages on the Mailing-List of MacMusic!

{row['f_intro']}Equalisation - between hertz and sounds

March 2003 - Translated by Athahualpa. This article deals with the connections between Hertz and sound, as well as the patterns and...

{row['f_intro']}Sampling & Digital

May 2000 - Learn about sampling technique and avoid digital traps:

{row['f_intro']}DVD - introduction

January 1995 - We've heard enough of this : say goodbye to CD's, CD-ROM's, VCR and others, it's DVD time ! The good points of this new support...

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