With a range of 059 bpm to 091 bpm any producer will be ready to create unique smooth tunes, lounge projects, radio & tv commercials, film cues and web applications of high quality. Integrate the library into your project to give the whole production a totally new style and touch of sound.
A close look into the 2.9 GB package, finds more than 950 loops and samples of supremely engineered and recorded instruments. High quality sounds, chilled accoustic and electric guitars, varied and inspiring drum arrangements plus the right fx sounds for the calm moments in music. BPM information and root key (key signatures) are also embedded in all loop file names.
Each complete kit contains up 2 sub-kits, some also contain variations.
The material is organized as follows:
- Main Kit - Includes the main theme, with its sounds and phrases.
- Intro/Outro Kit - Here you can find the matching intro/outro track for the overall kit, along with its individual parts.