Magneto Audio Labs releases VariOhm
 Magneto Audio Labs releases the VariOhm which provides the best match between the microphone and mic preamp and enhance audio quality and offer tone choices.
The VariOhm is connected between the microphone and the microphone preamp, either the built—in preamp of a mixer or an external mic pre may be used. The concept behind VariOhm is that impedances of microphones and preamps vary considerably. The resulting impedance relationship is a key factor in determining the sound and tonal characteristics of the audio. The central element VariOhm uses are custom built transformers. These impart much sought after audio characteristics associated with great analog sound. The optimum match is created by inserting the VariOhm between your mic and preamp. The desired settings are easily found by using the impedance control knob and by auditioning with the bypass switch. Different settings for different tone colors and bite are available to fit different applications. VariOhm may be used with all types of microphones; dynamic, FET, Tube condenser or ribbon. Users will find that every microphone and preamp combination reacts differently and the optimum settings will vary.
Other features included are a "hard-wire" (i.e. no active components present) bypass - to insure accurate comparisons of the input signal, a Phantom/Off-switch - to protect vintage Ribbon mics, and a Phase/Reverse switch – for bi-directional mics and general use.
Long recognized in technical circles, the impedance relationship between a microphone and preamp/interface affects sound greatly. Different mics and preamps/interfaces have a range of impedance values that contribute to sonic texture. It can affect warmth, sizzle, clarity, grit and many other aspects of sound. Many classic microphone and preamp combos work well together because of their impedances. By inserting the VariOhm between the mic and the preamp/interface, this important relationship can be adjusted by the user. Impedance values can be matched for maximum output or altered for additional tone settings for all kinds of microphones.
The VariOhm lists for $299 MSRP and is expected to "street" at $260.
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