Trance Cosmos : Elements Volume 3 contains 10 full trance construction kits, each one offering loops and multisamples, and focuses on melodic / uplifting / euphoric trance sounds and sequences.
Every element from each kit is included as audio loops (everything you can hear in the demo : drums, basslines, plucks, lead synths, strings, FX). All of the melodic elements are also included as multisampled instruments.
The numerous MIDI files (melodies) included can be used as inspirational tools and can also be used freely in your own tracks.
• 2800+ Audio Files (Multisamples and Audio Loops) clearly categorized into folders
• WAV 16bit 44.1 kHz samples
• Uncompressed sounds for full usability
• BPM / Key Information (for Multisamples and Audio Loops)
• Dry and Wet versions of processed audio loops available
• MIDI files available for each melodic element
Priced at €31.95, Trance Cosmos : Elements Volume 3 is available exclusively at :