Max For Live opens new doors in Ableton for interesting, unique content to step through. Max Fuel, the First is Puremagnetik's initial foray into this new world. These 10 end-user devices are ready to work in Live immediately to give you new range in your own Live sets or sparking new ideas for your next step. While each member of this bundle is like a plug-in, you haven't seen plug-ins in Live like these.
• Drop is a multiband device where each band receives a percentage chance of being heard.
• el Effo is a versatile low frequency oscillator/step sequencer for manipulating any plug-in you already have.
• Jumble is an audio processor with the same delay/feedback portion as Bump.
• Side Chainer is a robust converter of any audio signal into a modulation signal for any plug-in parameter on any track.
• Veer is a flexible pitch shifter with a dry/wet control for the output.
• Marx is a rebranded Spectral Mixer, setting different volumes and interactions for the signal's quiet, mid and loud portions.
• Yell is a rich multiband distortion.
• Bump is a mono synth with a generous, easily controlled feedback section.
• Multiplexd is a single knob that proportionately controls up to 4 plug-in parameters, simplifying automation or MIDI control of multiple parameters of other plug-in(s).
• Stick is a drum instrument based around classic FM synthesis, ready for use in Drum Racks.
Available now at a price of $38. This bundle requires Live 8.1.4 and Max For Live.