SPL opens a new communication channel with its users – The SPL Blog
It was not conceived as a commercial tool, but rather as a way for SPL to get closer to its users. The German audio manufacturer has chosen the Blog as the platform to communicate with the outside world.
In order to have the most varied and exciting exchange of ideas, SPL decided to launch a multilingual Blog – available in English, German, French, and Japanese. The content is currently divided in different categories, including Global and Local News, Hardware and Software R&D articles, as well as highlights of selected SPL Users. An essential part of the Blog is that all posts can be commented upon and discussed by visitors. Eventually the Blog will include more special services.
As a result of the combination of local and global news, every language version has different content. That's why the R&D article on the Frontliner channel strip is available in all languages, while the report on the IMSTA FESTA tradeshow is only available in Japanese.
The SPL Blog seeks not only to show what's happening around the globe, but also to open a window into the company – specially within the Hardware and Software R&D departments. Furthermore, the page dedicated to SPL Users will allow visitors to find out if there is a recording studio, musician or sound engineer close to them.