Crysonic Updates Spectralive NXT to V3.5
 Crysonic today released Version 3.5 of their Spectralive NXT and is available in Native Mac OSX AU,VST (PPC /Intel Mac) and PC VST formats. Spectralive NXT V3.5 offers a greater number of enhanced features with improved performance and 64-bit internal precision quality including the ability to completely customize the UI colors via Hue, Saturation and Brightness dials. The UI settings are stored and can be individually tailored in each instance of the plug-in across multiple tracks for identification and ease of use.
Spectralive NXT V3.5 is a completely re-coded product comprising of an updated UI and performance increases in all popular hosts.
Spectralive NXT V3.5 is currently available at the Release Special of $69.95 (52% off) until the 25th of February 2010, MSRP $144, all previous Crysonic customer are eligible to purchase for $32.95. Note that a demo version is also available.
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