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Mellodrama - a documentary about the Mellotron

Friday February 5, 2010. 02:47 PM, by Nantho Misc
Misc : Mellodrama - a documentary about the Mellotron - pcmusicMellodrama, a documentary by Dianna Dilworth, explores the rising and falling fortunes of the Mellotron - the first musical keyboard to "sample" the sounds of other instruments - from its birth in a California garage in the 1950s, through its dominance on concert stages in the 1970s, through its almost religious cult of followers in the 2000s.

From the Beatles' "Strawberry Fields Forever" to Black Sabbath to Kanye West, Mellodrama is a 50-year odyssey of musical invention, revolution, betrayal, and rediscovery.

The Mellodrama DVD is available at a price of $24.95.
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