TC Electronic unveils the Vintage Guitar Pedal Bundle for PowerCore.
PowerCore users now have the chance to add five of the most sought-after vintage guitar effects pedals to their plug-in collections – including the unique SCF, our legendary Stereo Chorus Flanger.
The plug-in list in full: Stereo Chorus + Pitch Modulator & Flanger, Booster + Line Driver & Distortion, TC XII Programmable Phaser, Sustain + Parametric Equalizer, Dual Parametric Equalizer
These five plug-ins are exact software replicas of the first five products ever to roll off the TC production line. The bundle has been lovingly created using the original schematics of these ultra-rare and collectible hardware pedals, ensuring that the software gives you the exact same results as our original vintage hardware.
Features :
• 5 vintage pedal plug-ins for PowerCore, inclusive the SCF Stereo Chorus Flanger
• 1:1 software emulations of original devices
• Based on the original schematics
• The 5 first products that TC ever made
• Hardware versions are collector's items
• Developed in association with Audiffex
• For VST and Audio Units compatible hosts, including Logic, Cubase, Garageband...
• For MAC and PC
• 2nd generation PowerCore required
The bundle will be available Spring 2010 in VST and AU formats for PowerCore users on Mac or PC.