D16 Group announces the upcoming release of the latest plug-in from their Silver Line : Syntorus.
To create a chorus effect, an audio signal is mixed with one or more delayed, pitch modulated copies of itself. Described as a "Double Path Analog Chorus", Syntorus aims to provide a rich analogue chorus similar to the effect found on classic synthesisers like the Solina, Synthex or Juno.
Features :
• Emulation of analogue delay line.
• Double delay line.
• LFOs synchronized with host application.
• Built-in tremolo effect.
• Presets organised into groups.
• MIDI learn function.
• 64-bit internal processing.
Syntorus will be available for both Mac (VST/AU) and PC (VST) next week (January 11) and will be priced at €35. Have a listen to the demo songs or download a demo version today to try it at :