Ultimate Sound Bank has announced the release of a new UVI Soundpack dedicated to pianos, Grand Piano Collection.
Grand Piano Collection highlights five instruments :
• Steinway D Concert Grand
• Fazioli F278 Concert
• Erard Baby Grand Piano
• Seiler Upright Grand
• Japanese Upright
For everyone of them the same method was used:
First, the right instrument had to be found. Two different classical and jazz pianists, both outstanding concert performers, gave a hand finding the ideal one. After some research and like dozens of pianos reviewed, the amazing sounding models that all the consultants loved appeared obvious. Then there were several days of booking in some of the best recording studios in Europe, for example Studio Guillaume Tell for the Steinway. The best qualified person did the tuning work, that essential part of the process.
During the recording was used the very best sounding quality gear, but a different set up for each piano, to give different colours for every of the five instruments. And thanks to UVI Engine's advanced keygroup layers and rule switching, the sustain pedal and release samples perform and "feel" like a real piano.
At the end of the process, during the editing of samples, a great instrumentalist tested the result of this work, allowing in response improvement in the instruments to make it really enjoyable.
Grand Piano Collection is now available for $249, and includes the full version of UVI Workstation. Note that UVI Soundpacks are compatible with MOTU's BPM and MachFive2.