Univers-Sons / Ultimate Sound Bank announces the release of a brand new UVI Soundpack, Italian Grand Piano. Here is what they say about it :
"After popular demand from the UVI community, our great sound designer team was back to work. The goal: find and record the best model of the Italian manufacturer Fazioli. We did choose a superb sounding F278 model, in our opinion, better than the usually sampled model F308.
For that kind of unique instrument, we did choose a very unique gear: the microphone set-up was a matched pair of Neumann M150 and the preamp/converters were the ones from the acclaimed Nagra D2. A unique combination of exceptional gear for the first time in sampling a piano library.
The UVI philosophy regarding pianos is to propose truly musical and excellent sounding presets using a convenient and realistic size (7 GB for this one).
Thanks to UVI Engine's advanced keygroup layers and rule switching, the sustain pedal and release samples perform and "feel" like a real piano.
At the end of the process, during the editing of samples, we consulted a great instrumentalist to test the result of this work, then we were able to even improve the instrument's response to make it really enjoyable.
This wonderful UVI Soundcard fully completes our Grand Piano series, putting forward, once again, an excellent sounding piano with true musicality."
Italian Grand Piano is available now at a price of $89/€75.