Audio Ease has just released the second version of their end-all speaker simulator Speakerphone.
In the 17 months after Speakerphone's release it has quickly become a household name in audio post production and also in many music studios. Speakerphone version 2 has a new cleaner look, new features, many newly sampled guitar amp cabinets, antique phones, toys, answering machines and megaphones.
Speakerphone will give you all the walkie-talkies, distant transistor radios, upstairs TV sets, bullhorns, cell phones and guitar cabinets you'll ever need, plus 5 gigabyte of ambiences and sound FX to provide some context.
Added is a microphone simulation module that hosts microphones ranging from Royers to toy mics. And also among the new modules in Speakerphone 2 is one that's called 'Coverup'. Coverup can place any sound inside tin cans, cardboard boxes, under blankets or in the closed trunk of a car. Speakerphone 2 adds presets that switch via automation, an extensive LFO and envelope following section for controlling virtually all parameters of Speakerphone, and a Leslie speaker module.
So if you want to see and hear for yourself what's new (or if you just want to hear Arjen lock Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor in the trunk of a Volvo parked on a moonlit business park) do check out the
what's new movie or take the complete
guided tour.
Available for both Mac and PC in VST, RTAS, AU and Mas formats, Speakerphone 2's upgrade costs $149 / €119, but free upgrades are available to anyone that purchased Speakerphone or the All In Bundle in 2009. New customers can buy Speakerphone 2 at a price of $609 / €470.