Klark Teknik has launched the DN530 Creative Quad Gate, one of two new products in a brand new series. The DN530 provides four easy to use gates in a compact 1U format.
The DN530 boasts "Transient Accenting", a new creative feature providing an easy way to enhance the attack envelope beyond merely opening the gate. This can provide up to 12dB of additional transient energy and its primary application is to provide additional impact on drums and percussion instruments, although it can be used to enhance the impact of acoustic stringed instruments such as guitar and piano as well as other instruments. Uniquely, Transient Accenting allows the operator to control precisely the amount of enhancement added to each channel, and can be applied independently of the gating function.
Features :
- Quad channel gate
- Unique progressively controllable accent level that emphasises the initial transient of a signal to increase dynamic power
- Exponential gate attack to reduce signal loss at the start of sounds while remaining sonically transparent – no clicks
- Reverse exponential gate release to blend seamlessly with the natural decay of the programme
- Extremely low noise and distortion levels
- Advanced band pass side chain filter to increase trigger source discrimination
- Rotary controls for all envelope characteristics and variable range
- External key inputs and ducking facilities
- Easily identifiable bypass, solo and other major switches
- Roadworthy 1U chassis
- Balanced inputs and outputs
- Auto switching power supply
Pricing and availability TBA.