Wusik EVE v2.5.1
 Wusik announces that it has licensed EVE (Electronic Vintage Ensemble) from Dash Signature / NUSofting and updated it to v2.5.1. This is a free update for all existing EVE owners.
Changes in v2.5.1 :
- Fixed: problem with message boxes freezing the host/sequencer.
- Added: Mac VST, double-click on any parameter will open MIDI-Learn (and/or Right-Click for the AU or Windows version).
- Changed: no more multiple messages when loading a preset which has missing sounds. - Only the last error message will be showed in the GUI/Editor.
- Fixed: Demo version, expiring message will no longer popup and free the host/sequencer. It will show in the GUI/Editor only.
- Fixed: missing sounds from the sounds popup-listing (WusikSND files only).
Changes in v2.5.0 :
- Added: New permanent preset browser at the right area. Plus, Up and Down buttons for easier selection of presets with the mouse.
- Added: Mouse Middle-Button click and drag does fine-tuning of any parameter. The same for Left-Click while holding the Shift key.
- Plus some minor GUI improvements and a few small internal bugs were fixed too.
EVE is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST and AU plug-in formats and costs $99.95. New EVE orders also now include the Mellotronix sound library.
Note for the MAC version. In some hosts, you may need to Right-Click, hold and click with the Left button, in order to open the MIDI-Learn option.
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