This is your chance ! Get all the add-ons you've ever wanted to max out your Line 6 gear -- additional amps and effects models, plug-ins, and recording software.
+ POD FarmTM Plug-in Download $49 - The hot new plug-in for GuitarPort(R), any TonePort(R), and any POD(R)xt.
+ Triple Model Pack Offer for PODxt Live $69.95 - this unique bundle includes Bass Expansion pack.
+ Triple Model Pack Sale for $69.95 - Metal, Classics, and FX Junkie (but not Bass Expansion).
+ 2 Pack Offer $39.95 - that's two model packs for an unbelievable price.
Prices good only thru 1/31/09. Visit the Line 6 Online Store and select your Line 6 hardware to see all the compatible add-ons.