Audio Damage has just released Rough Rider Pro which is a multi-band compressor plug-in. According to Audio Damage, "
Rough Rider Pro is for those times when you want to know your signal is compressed. Other compressors are kittens, rainbows, and gumdrops. This one is a 40-foot-tall fire-breathing lizard".
Features :
- Isolator section for simple control of input frequencies.
- Multi-band mode, for a single Rough Rider compressor on each band.
- Series mode, for three Rough Riders in a row.
- Attack time goes as low as 0.1ms, for use as a distortion unit.
- Ratio of 1:1 to 1000:1 for complete control of signal dynamics.
- MIDI learn for hardware control of all parameters (VST only).
Rough Rider Pro is available now for Mac (AU/VST) and PC (VST) and is priced at $49.