Puremagnetik has just released Modular Patterns : a grab bag of over 300 pure analog phrases and expressions recorded through a variety of boutique and legendary modular synthesizers.
Modular Patterns includes a huge collection of thick basses, resonant leads and "analog data" phrases generated entirely within an analog modular system. Employing over 20 unique modules for sound generation and expression, each pattern has been meticulously assembled using 3 analog sequencers for a variety of nuanced phrasing and voice morphing.
Customized for Ableton Live
Modular Patterns for Ableton Live includes over 300 Live Ready Clips complete with dynamic effect racks. Each phrase has been expertly tailored and categorized into Basses, Leads, Multivoice and Analog Data.
Customized for Kontakt and Logic
The Kontakt version of Modular Patterns includes six instant access menus of Leads, Basses, Multivoice and Analog Data. Each menu loads complete with a customized KSP GUI for easy effects editing and on-the-fly tweaking.
Apple Loops
Each raw phrase in Modular Patterns is available in Apple Loops format. Whether installing into Logic, GarageBand or another OSX based DAW, Modular Patterns will instantly load into the Apple Loops library.
System Requirements
Requires Ableton Live 7, Kontakt 3 or OSX based DAW
400 MB free hard drive space
500 MB of physical RAM
Pricing : Basic Monthly Subscription: $5.75/Month Basic Yearly Subscription: $60/Year All Access Pass - $198/Year.