Expert Sleepers has released a public beta of Augustus Loop v2.0 which is a major update to the tape echo/looping plug-in.
Features :
- Augustus Loop's GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.
- MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
- VST version now receives MIDI.
- Added Record Offset feature.
- Added waveform display.
- The 'Max Delay Time' parameter now has a smaller minimum value (1.0 seconds) and is not rounded to the nearest 10 seconds.
- Added Tape Read Mode parameter.
- The Freeze Loop function is much improved.
- A small crossfade is now applied when activating Clear Loop, and when Clear Loop ends.
- The Input Level parameter is now protected against sudden changes, which previously could result in audio artefacts. In particular this makes the Punch In/Out features more usable.
- A small crossfade is now applied when activating Tap Record.
- Added a new mode for the Freeze Loop function, "Freeze Current".
- Added OSC support.
- Added 'Sync Group' feature.
- Added new 'Tape Sim' section.
- Added factory presets.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Digital Mode to not engage correctly.
Augustus Loop v2.0 beta is available now for Mac (AU/VST) and PC (VST). Note that this version uses a new serial number from previous versions, so if you have a licence for v1.8 or earlier it won't work with v2, and the plug-in will operate in demo mode. It is not yet possible to purchase licenses for v2.
To promote the new skinning & scripting features in Augustus Loop v2, Expert Sleepers are running a skinning competition, with free licenses to the new version as prizes. Please visit their website for more information.