Cakewalk has announced Sonar 8 Producer and Sonar 8 Studio.
New Sonar features include: updated Loop Explorer 2.0 view, dedicated instrument track (single track optimized for mono/stereo virtual synths), Send Assign Assistant (wizard); numerous audio engine optimizations; transport, control surface, routing, and editing refinements; workflow enhancements; QuickTime 7 Import/Export.
New Instruments include: Beatscape loop performance instrument; Dimension Pro 1.2 updated with Digital Sound Factory Volume 2 Classic Keys and Hollywood Edge Effects Library; TruePianos Amber VSTi Module.
New Effects include: TL-64 Tube Leveler, TS-64 Transient Shaper, Channel Tools stereo enhancement plug-in; Native Instruments Guitar Rig 3 LE.
New Creative content includes: updated ACT Presets mappings for popular plug-ins and controllers; production-ready Track Templates and Project Templates; updated Drum Maps and plug-in presets; and integrated Step Sequencer drum patterns.
Pricing and availability :
- Sonar 8 Producer : $619 ($499 street) / €499
- Sonar 8 Studio : $369 ($299 street) / €299
- upgrade paths are available, visit Cakewalk.com for details.
- available on October, 2008