Manytone Fretless Bass
 ManyTone Music has just released Manytone Fretless Bass, a comprehensive sample library of a 4-string fretless precision bass available now in multiple formats.
The extensive soundsets cover a variety of articulations which take advantage of the fretless nature of the instrument. Manytone has sampled the distinctive sound of vibrato as well as various increments and speeds of bends. The staccato samples allow the sample library to encompass faster, more upbeat styles of music as well. Also these staccato samples, as well as the sustained tones, were sampled with both index and middle fingers, so the machine-gun effect of repeating notes may be easily avoided.
The Manytone Fretless Bass was sampled completely dry, giving you the flexibility to shape the tone to your taste from a neutral DI tone (Direct Injected).
This library is available in various formats including ManyTone Instruments, Wusik, Kontakt, Cakewalk Dimension (sfz), and Soundfont. The Fretless Bass library is presently available for an introductory price of $49.95 for single format (single choice of one of the formats listed above) or $59.95 for multi format (Any, or all, of the formats).
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