Tascam has announced that they are ceasing development of Gigastudio products, which includes the GVI engine. An official statement from the company states, "TEAC America, Inc. will cease further development of Gigastudio and Gigastudio related products as of July 21, 2008. Product sales and technical support will continue through the end of the year."
This comes as sour news not only for GigaStudio users (especially those who have recently purchased GigaStudio 4), but also to software developers who have licensed GigaStudio programs for their own products.
It sounds like Tascam is getting out of the software business completely. If you check their web site, the product category for
software is completely empty, and everything Giga-related is now in the legacy software category.
In response, a petition to pass on the torch and make GigaStudio code open source has been started at
OpenGigaStudio.com. To sign the petition you just have to leave a comment.