VirSyn has just updated its Multiband Filter plug-in Bark to version 1.0.1.
Bark takes the approach to match the reception characteristic of the final destination of all sound: the ear. The ear behaves as if it contains a bank of filters, each filter passing frequencies within the critical band. Two tones separated by more than a critical bandwidth are received by the ear independently. For this reason Bark contains a filter bank with 27 bandpass filters matching the critical bandwidth.
In fact, the human ear have also its own built in compression system which are based on the critical bands. Consequently Bark incorporates an independent compression algorithm for each of it's 27 bands.
Unfortunately a very important feature of BARK got lost in the last stages of the release. The Linear phase behaviour, which is important for BARK's sound transparency, was broken. With Version 1.0.1 Linear phase is now guaranteed for all filter settings.
Bark is available in VST, AU and RTAS versions for Mac OS X, VST and RTAS for Windows. From now till June 30st, 2008 you can buy Bark for €99.- instead of €169.- Of Course, the update is free for all registered users. Last but not least, a full functional/time limited demo version is also available (a Syncrosoft Dongle is needed).