Schwa Oligarc
 After the beautiful Olga, Schwa has just released Oligarc, a collection of four virtual analog FX, tied together by a modulation nerve center that converts the input audio into control signals that can be routed to most of the effect knobs. Oligarc can be an LFO-driven filter, an envelope-controlled phaser, a gate-triggered saturation effect, or anything else you can think up, including mad combinations of linked modulation of multiple effects at once.
In addition, the Oligarc package contains standalone versions of the Drive, Phaser, and Chorus effects, for more traditional usage - although there's nothing traditional about these effects.
Oligarc is available in for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (AU) and costs $60 (All hosts, commercial use license) / $40 (Reaper-only, non-commercial use license).
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