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Odo Synths 38911 Bytes

Monday March 31, 2008. 05:33 PM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > Odo Synths
Virtual Instrument : Odo Synths 38911 Bytes - pcmusicOdo Synths has released 38911 Bytes, a new synthesizer based on Commodore 64 software.

Features :

- 1 oscillator synth with 4 waveforms (saw, triangle, pulse and pitch noise). Also PulseWidth "noise cutoff" and "noise level" and Octaves from -3 to 4.
- 3 BPM sequencers with 7 rates, 2 to 8 steps and end/loop modes.
o Sequencer 1 is for notes and octaves. Notes from C to B and octaves -3 to 4.
o Sequencer 2 is for waveforms Saw, Triangle, Pitched Noise, RM saw, RM triangle, RM pulse.
o Sequencer 3 is for octaves from -3 to 4.

- The filter, pitch and PW modulation envelopes have stages from 1 to 8, also 13 curves, a Sustain point from 1 to 7 or even off. The envelopes can also be turned off to save some CPU when not required.
- 3 different filters - low-pass, band-pass and hi-pass. You can activate more than one filter type like on a real c64 and also turn the filters off.
- 2 LFOs with 19 different waveforms with free speed or 14 BPM speeds. The LFOs have only 3 destinations - cutoff, pitch and for PWM.
- A Ring modulation with a bitcrusher notes from c to b and octaves from -4 to 3.
- A volume envelope and a full bank of 128 presets.

38911 Bytes is available as a VST instrument plug-in for Windows and it is (almost) free, although if you want to move any of the knobs you'll have to make a donation.
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