News from Sonic Charge
 The Mac OS X version of Sonic Charge MicroTonic has been updated to v2.0.3. This update provides several fixes :
- Fixed a compatibility problem in the Audio Units version that made the separate outputs of µTonic unusable in Apple Logic version 8 and MOTU Digital Performer.
- Fixed a GUI compatibility issue under OS X 10.5 with certain hosts (e.g. Logic, GarageBand) that caused the user interface to come up white and empty when opening the plug-in.
- Exported MIDI files can now be imported into MOTU Digital Performer.
- The Mac version now features an uninstaller application. It can be found under the Sonic Charge µTonic folder in your Applications folder.
On top of that a new free patch compilation with 75 new programs and 125 drum patches is also available for all registered users. For more information, please visit the link below :
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