Nassen Software Development has just released Matryx v1.0, a modular rack-based VST-Host inspired by oldskool analogue sequencers that started life as an entry in the 2006 KVR Developer Challenge.
Matryx is about concentrating on patterns first. Varying them with different loop-points, adding pattern sequencers and polyrhythmic controllers. Different patterns and routings can be combined into mixer states for complex loop creation. You can live record phrases, VST tweaks and user interface actions, or you can dropdown events in a linear panel.
Matryx tries to fill the gap between pattern- and linear sequencing.
Features :
- HOST/Sequencer for VST instruments and effects.
- Step-, pattern- and linear sequencing.
- 16 channel mixer. Every rack can hold up to 8 inserts.
- Stand-alone with ASIO/MME drivers or as a Rewire slave.
Matryx costs €99 and is available for Windows. A demo version is available.