New Sequoia/Samplitude Patch 10.0.1
 You can download brand new Patches with latest optimizations and bugfixes for all Sequoia 10 / Samplitude 10 versions from the support area.
Version 10.0.1 offers many improvements such as:
- optimized memory handling for projects with large number of tracks
- new menu function "Object ->Select Objects -> Select Objects in active track ", also by double click to empty area in track
- Resampling is possible for CD-Import
- MIDI-Editor: SHIFT+ALT-double click selects all notes after click position (now additional ALT required, as SHIFT becomes hotkey for Pencil Mode)
- Audio quantization: analysis and quantization process has been sped up
- MarkerManager: AQ-(Audio) Marker can be filtered now
- revised am|munition plug-in
- Burn-Proof option in CD burn-speed selection dialogue
Sequoia only:
- Clipstore: option for saving clips of multiselection individually
- Impulse Response Extraction is working with externally created chirp files
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