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Acoustic Labs Multitrack Plus

Tuesday December 11, 2007. 12:47 PM, by Nantho Music Software
Music Software : Acoustic Labs Multitrack Plus - pcmusicAcoustic Labs has released the Multitrack Plus which is basically a multitrack recorder, editor, sequencer and mixer. available at a very low cost.

Features :

- Record new tracks while existing tracks playback synced up in realtime
- Up to 24 stereo tracks available, record up to 4 tracks simutaneously
- View up to 8 tracks at once and drag-and-drop audio snippets
- Fully supports loops and adjusting different tempos to mix loops seamlessly
- Various realtime effects (echo, reverb, tempo shift, chorus, flange, EQ, etc)
- Apply various editing features (cut, copy, paste, amplify, reverse, stretch, compress, etc)
- Razor sharp editing: Zoom in and edit at the sample level (less than a fraction of a millisecond)
- Import audio files and mixdown projects to wave (WAV) or MP3 audio file format
- Built in metronome with different drum beat tempos
- Multiple input/output audio device support

The Multitrack Plus is available now for Windows (Vista, XP, 2000, ME, 98 or NT) at a retail price of $44.95.
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