RME has announced the new HDSPe MADI card to be shipping. RME further expands the "e"-line of Hammerfall DSP recording solutions for the PCI Express bus found in current Apple OS and Windows based desktop computers. With higher data rates the PCI Express bus enables high channel counts associated with lowest latency options.
The HDSPe MADI card offers a 128 I/O-channel computer connection, all 64 input and 64 playback channels can be routed and mixed independently to 64 physical outputs. For even higher channel counts several MADI cards can be combined. Compared to the standard PCI HDSP MADI card, the new PCI Express version offers several advantages :
- support for higher sample rates up to 192 kHz
- Lowest latency – down to 1 ms!
- Sync to Time Code with RME's Time Code Option Module
The card's additional analog Monitoring/Headphone output features the new low latency DA converters known from RME's converter ADI-8 QS. Additionally the card offers 2 independent MIDI I/O pairs for combining remote control and sequencing functions into one audio solution.
The HDSPe MADI comes with drivers for Windows XP, Vista, Vista 64 and Mac OS X (UB). Pricing : € 1099 / $ 1398 (excl. VAT)