With the unique and fully redesigned Espressivo 2.0 feature, Sibelius 7.5 gives you complete control over and customization of the rhythmic feel of any individual part to produce more expressive and realistic musical phrasings.
And because the software can now better interpret such notation distinctions as tempo markings, metric emphasis, grace notes, mordents, caesuras, and breath marks on playback, you can hear every nuance of your score葉he way you intended it to be heard.
With the new Timeline window, you get a quick view of the entire structure of your score溶o matter how large or complex容nabling you to navigate to any part fast for editing or playback. Simply click on any bar, in the timecode ruler, or on any landmark葉he important objects that make up your score, including rehearsal marks, repeat structures, comments, key signatures, tempo, and more葉o jump immediately to that section.
Get all of the score sharing and social media features of Sibelius First in Sibelius 7.5, enabling you to collaborate more easily with others and distribute your compositions for the world to hear. Share scores through email, upload and publish them as sheet music on ScoreExchange.com, and even share your composition as a video or audio file on YouTube, Facebook, and SoundCloud.