Stretch That Note release DruMM
 DruMM modules has Released!
Stretch That Note announces a range of seven Kontakt 3/4 compatible DruMM modules: one free, and six more that each cost just $8 per module, or $40 for the complete suite.
Each of the seven available DruMM kits contains sixty carefully chosen drum sounds with bags of street character that can be individually or globally warped via a comprehensive engine, along with several sophisticated effect chains that alter Phatness and Crunch, add Vinyl grunge and alter Width. You can therefore quickly and easily create your own unique sounds with very versatile possibilities.
Over the years Eddie has programmed new sounds for outfits as diverse as Pet Shop boys, Art Of Noise, Public Enemy and Emu/Ensoniq as well as many others, and his sounds have featured on many chart hits. Now you have the perfect chance to add them to your own tracks.
Sign up and receive the first module DruMM for FREE.
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