SoundHack introduces Pvoc Kit plugins
 SoundHack is pleased to announce SoundHack Pvoc Kit, which combines time stretching, pitch shifting, soundfile looping and phase distortion into four easy to use, sonically rich plugins.
The plugins of the Pvoc Kit bundle are:
- Pitchsift - a pitch shifter and MIDI harmonizer with spectral gating.
- Spiralstretch - a multilayer, realtime 1x to 100x time stretcher with granular and phase vocoder stretching.
- Phasemash - ring modulation, robot sounds, ambient washes, spectral scrambling.
- Pvocloop - a four-voice soundfile looper with time stretching, pitch shifting and MIDI control.
Pvoc Kit can be automated by MIDI controller messages. They are currently running as VST, RTAS and Audio Unit on Mac OS X and VST on Windows. 64-bit is under development. The list price is $99.00.
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