Crysonic today announced the imminent release of Version 2 of their flagship Limiter / Loudness Maximizer Audio Plug-in SPECTRAPHY V2 HD including the first screenshot. It will available on the 30th of May for Mac OSX and PC in all native formats. Amongst many new features SPECTRAPHY V2 HD will now be a native 64-Bit plug-in for both PC and Mac as well as offering 32-Bit compatibility.
SPECTRAPHY V2 HD will greatly improve the quality of the final audio over its predecessor by intelligently splitting the incoming source audio material in-to multiple bands which are then processed according to a number of variables by the internal Audio Physics Simulation system. More features to be announced until the launch date so stay tuned.
SPECTRAPHY V2 HD will be available to purchase on-line from the crysonic website on 30th of May 2011 for Mac OSX Universal Binary, VST and PC VST formats as a native 64-Bit plugin with 32-Bit compatibility.
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