Spectrasonics has released version 1.4 of Trilian.
Some features:
- New 5-Column Browser view displays more sound categories and attributes simultaneously.
- New "Recent User" Browser sorting option for User Patches.
- User-assignable Legato Interval rule added in Soundsource Zoom.
- 'Clone Part 1′ feature added for use with multichannel MIDI controllers.
- New "Clone Part 1 MIDI Controls and Make Omni" MIDI Learn function.
- Added support for Polyphonic Aftertouch.
- Modulation Envelope points can be key-command snapped to semitone when modulating pitch.
- Independent modulation options added for Harmonia Levels/Fine Tuning.
- "Reset Factory defaults and preferences" feature added to Utility menu.
- Numerous compatibility, performance and support improvements.