Arturia releases Version 1.6.1 of SPARK, the latest software update to its SPARK Creative Drum Machine and SparkLE Creative Drum Machine hybrid hardware/software beat production centres, on March 25...
SparkLE Creative Drum Machine owners benefit from an added accent button in the GUI and an added latch mode for the instrument FX Pad, which, when activated, assigns the P1 and P2 knobs to the instrument parameters (Volume/Pan, Cutoff Resonance, Aux1/Aux2), while pressing any of the three XY Instrument buttons turns off latch mode (returning the P1 and P2 knobs to their previous assignations).
Joint benefits also abound for SPARK Creative Drum Machine and SparkLE Creative Drum Machine users, including improving the MIDI Clock output, together with several bug fixes.
Now, thanks to Version 1.6.1 of that already super-smart SPARK software engine, Arturia has improved the functionality of both SPARK Creative Drum Machine and SparkLE Creative Drum Machine as follows.