Empress Effects has released its new Empress Tremolo plug-in, a digital re-creation of the Empress Tremolo Pedal. Empress Effects has included all the features from the hardware pedal along with some bonus features, including stereo operation.
New extra features only in the plug-in :
- Accurate Sync: The Plugin is able to sync to your Digital Audio Workstation. This means you can play through the whole song and don't have to worry about your Tremolo going out of time. It will sync up at the DAW tempo, 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, and 6x the DAW tempo.
- Phase: This feature goes hand in hand with the sync feature. You're able to adjust the phase of the Tremolo's waveform, this way you can have always pulsing on the beat, or on the off-beat, or slightly before the beat, slightly after the beat... you get the idea.
- Stereo Operation: There are four stereo modes:
- Linked: in this setting the Left and Right channels pulse together.
- Ping-Pong: in this setting the Left and Right channels are opposite - i.e. When the left channel is loud the right channel is quiet. This allows the Tremolo to work extremely well as an auto-panner.
- Left follows Right: In this setting the waveform shape of the left channel is slightly delayed relative to the right waveform.
- Right follows Left: In this setting the waveform shape of the right channel is slightly delayed relative to the left waveform.
- The Stereo modes allow the plug-in to act like an autopanner on steroids.
- Automation
Empress Tremolo is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST and AU plug-in formats at a price of 79$.