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PC and Music News

Jul 9 - 11:29 AM, by fisound Misc > Fisound
Misc : Fisound releases Universal 120 Rapture Expansion Pack - pcmusicFisound has announced the immediate availability of 'Universal 120' for Cakewalk's Rapture VSTi/AU/RTAS synthesizer.

Universal 120 is a complete Rapture Expansion Pack including 200 presets, and 1800 add-on files. Universal 120 is designed to be the go to resource for Rapture productions featuring hundreds of new stereo wavetable oscillators, envelope presets, step generator presets, LFO waveforms, and more. This Expansion Pack is the first to utilize all of the new features of Rapture 1.2; envelope step generator re-triggers, envelope presets, and step generator presets.

Universal 120 is available from fisound for $39.

For more information, and to download audio examples and documentation, please visit the following link :
Jul 9 - 10:47 AM, by sonokinetic Misc > Sonokinetic
Misc : Sonokinetic publishes new sample libraries - pcmusicSonokinetic is a newly formed Dutch company that specializes in the production of high quality yet very affordable samples. Since late 2008 they've been developing new production tools (samples, loops and sound design elements) for composers and sound designers. The company is founded by two dedicated composers and sound producers who'd like to offer you their views on music and sound design.

1) Felt Force One: The powerful orchestral percussive scoring library
For fast and efficient scoring, guide-tracking work and full scores building. 24 bit 44.1 kHz 7 fully percussive scored and performed construction kits divided into 4 and 8 or 16 bar phrases for quick scoring and transitions 15+ Massive Slams and Hits, 2 snare ensemble phrases, a metal and iron hits, GrandCassa, BigDrumFX p ...
Jul 8 - 03:29 PM, by Nantho Plug-ins > Waves
Plug-ins : Rent Waves Bundle ! - pcmusicWaves Audio introduces the Waves Rental Plan, a new, easy way to access selected Waves bundles on a short-term basis.

With the Waves Rental Plan, users can now rent selected Waves bundles for the week, for the month, or for however long their project takes. Customers can visit the Waves online store or contact their local dealer to rent Waves bundles immediately. Dealers must log into the Waves VSSD, select "Rentals" and choose the appropriate bundle.
Jul 8 - 02:11 PM, by Nantho Audio Hardware > BeesNeez Microphones
Audio Hardware : A Modular Mic from BeesNeez - pcmusicBeesNeez Microphones unveils a brand new mic called the Elizabeth. The all Australian Elizabeth is a Modular Kit that consists of up to 8 Bodies and 9 head units.

Bodies contain circuits such as; Steel tube Pentode, Glass tube Pentode, Glass tube single triode, Glass tube dual triode, Glass tube HI MU glass triode, Fet tube, Fet Iron, Fet transformerless...

Capsules available are bK47 dual mesh head, bK47 single mesh head, k47 lollipop (pictured), bK67 dual Mesh, bK67 single mesh, bK67 Lollipop, bCK 12 Multichambered dual mesh, single mesh and lollipop.

The Elizabeth starts as 2 bodies (of your choice) and 2 heads (of your choice), power supply, mount and flight case. You can then choose to add to your Elizabeth collection as you go.

Pricing for the first Kit is $4500AUD.
Jul 8 - 12:44 PM, by Nantho Audio Hardware > NetworkSound
Audio Hardware : DB25 to XLR/AES Patch bay for ULN-8 - pcmusicNetworkSound has released a custom patch bay for all the DB25s of the Metric Halo ULN-8. The patch bay has 16 analog input on 2 DB25s, 1 Analog out on 1 DB25 and 4 AES in and 4 AES out on 2 DB25s( one for Yamaha and one for Tascam digital).

Features :

• 16 Analog input via Combo to 2 DB25s
• 8 Analog out on XLR Male to one DB25
• 4 AES in and 4 AES out to 2 AES/EBU DB25s
• 4 XLR F & 4 XLR M on AES DB25
• AES DB25 Yamaha / Tascam pin compatible
• Use DB25-DB25 cable
• 2U rack mountable (2" depth only)
• Modular approach (any combination of analog and AES DB25s)
• Price : $329
Jul 8 - 12:04 PM, by Nantho Misc > RealTraps
Misc : RealTraps new modular product line features extreme diffusion - pcmusicRealTraps has announced a new high-performance line of acoustic treatment products that are modular and require no permanent mounting. All of the modules are six inches thick and can be stacked free-standing up to a height of eight feet. A special soft non-slip material is provided to hold the traps securely, and protect them from scratching.

Although this system is intended for high-end mixing and mastering engineers working in smaller spaces, it is also ideal for regular 2-channel hi-fi listening and even home theaters.

Three module types are offered, each resting on a 2'x'2x6" MondoTrap base :

• The corner bass trap modules use a 2'x4'x6" MondoTrap.
• The reflection absorber modules use a 2'x4'x6" HF style MondoTrap.
• The wall modules use the RealTraps Diffusor that is also a bass trap.
• 2'x4'x6" MondoTraps rest above each module to treat the wall-ceiling corners.

Although the pieces are used as a modular system, they are sold individually and priced as shown on the RealTraps Prices page ranging from $199.99 to 599.99 each with quantity discounts applied for ten or more pieces of any type.
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