Togu Audio Line has released a beta version of TAL-DUB-III, a new delay plug-in.
TAL-DUB-III is not a tape delay emulation - it has its own sound. It has an alias-free saturation stage, a non-linear 6dB low-pass and a 3dB high-pass filter that are included in the feedback path of the device. An input drive knob allows to adjust the saturation level. Pop-up menus show the current values of volume, delay-time and feedback knobs. A tab button allows to adjust the delay time for live sessions.
Features :
• Delay time up to 4 seconds.
• Non linear 6dB Low-Pass filter.
• 3dB High Pass filter.
• Alias free saturation, adjustable with the input drive knob.
• Delay x2 for each channel.
• Synced delay times (1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1/1, 2/1 and tripled and dotted notes).
• Pop-ups show the actual values dB (input drive, dry, wet), ms(delay), 0..2 (feedback)
• LED-meter shows the saturation level.
• Tab button for delay time.
• MIDI Learn for all knobs.
• The feedback knob is especially optimized for doing infinite delays.
TAL-DUB-III is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST and AU formats and it is free and Open Source (GPL).