Voxengo launches version 3.3 of GlissEQ, a dynamic parametric equalizer plug-in for Mac and Windows.
some new features:
- "Show All Channel Meters" metering issue in 5.1 surround mode fixed.
- Additional visual look variation settings added.
- Smooth filter automation implemented.
- Global precision settings persistence issue fixed.
- Underlay color selection was removed – group's defined color is used now.
- EQ range selector added (this may shift existing automation envelopes).
- "Filled Spectrum" spectrum display mode switch added.
- Oversampling filter type "Min-phase/Lin-phase" switch added.
- Global "Auto Oversampling Level" 1X (off) option added.
- Level meter's "density mode" improved.
- Control surface crosshair option added (can be switched off in the global options).
- Narrow-band sweeping mode crash problem fixed.