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PC and Music News

Through Tuesday August 27, 2013
Nov 13 - 12:47 PM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > AudioWarrior
Virtual Instrument : Free Djembe Kontakt Instrument - pcmusicAudioWarrior has released Free Djembe, a free studio-quality 24-bit Instrument that allows you play your keyboard exactly like a hand drum. Your MIDI controller's Pitch wheel will allow you to emulate a talking drum. Designed using Kontakt, Free Djembe is mapped with 10 expressive velocity layers with samples ranging from from C2 to C4 across a 15 key span. C3 is the center-Bass and spreading outwards towards C2 & C4 are the higher pitched rim shots.
Nov 12 - 04:47 PM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > Puremagnetik
Virtual Instrument : Puremagnetik BIG07 - pcmusicPuremagnetik has released BIG07, a collection of 13 Micropaks from Puremagnetik's 2007 catalog. Weighing in at over 2GB of content, BIG07 is exclusively available in Ableton Live Pack format.

BIG07 contains the following Puremagnetik Micropaks :

- Vintage 80's Classics
- Elektrodrum
- EightBit
- String Machines
- Guitar Rack Vol. 1
- Analog Bass Vol. 1
- Microdrum
- RackPak
- PM-200 Electronic Piano
- P-50 Linear
- Wavebase
- Retroputer

BIG07 can be downloaded immediately upon purchase or ordered on a backup CD for delivery. BIG07 is $98.
Nov 12 - 02:47 PM, by Nantho Music Software > Ableton
Music Software : Live 7 upgrade for Live 6 LE owners - pcmusicAbleton is happy to announce a new upgrade path for owners of Ableton Live 6 LE. The Live 6 LE to Live 7 upgrade will appear with the release of Live 7, coming later this year. The boxed version will be available at retail shops across the globe and at the Ableton webshop for EUR 329/USD 389. The download version will be available at the Ableton webshop for EUR 299/USD 349.
Nov 12 - 12:47 PM, by Nantho Plug-ins > Wwaym
Plug-ins : NWRCFil 2 filter VST effect - pcmusicWWAYM has just released NWRCFil 2, an easy to use filter VST effect. Based on classic hardware filters, it uses selectable 2-pole and 4-pole filter algorithms with crossfadeable lowpass, bandpass and highpass modes. The characteristics of the filter can be adjusted by 10 correction parameters.

Features :

- 2-pole and 4-pole analogue sounding lowpass filters
- crossfadeable lowpass, bandpass and highpass mode
- customizable filter characteristics
- dry/wet mix
- envelope follower with adjustable attack and release parameters
- LFO with MIDI trigger support
- input, output gain controll
- lots of presets to ease finding a startpoint
- full MIDI support via MIDI learn
- interpolated parameters (no steps)
- easy to use, comfortable and familiar user interface with a display

NWRCFil 2 is available now and costs 55€ .
Nov 11 - 03:16 PM, by lepetitmartien Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools 7.4 is here - pcmusicDigidesign is now shipping the latest release of Pro Tools. It offers numerous new music and post-production features and workflow enhancements for Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, and Pro Tools M-Powered users. Topping the list of new features is a powerful, multifaceted new music composition and production tool called Elastic Time. The software also provides improved networking compatibility with Avid Unity ISIS shared storage systems and new support for HD video workflows.

Elastic Time allows users to easily change the tempo and timing of loops, music, dialog, and other sound files in real time without cutting up audio tracks. Users can now easily audition or import loops and audio files that instantly sync with a session's tempo. Users can also use the Elastic Time feature to quantize audio to the session grid or extracted grooves, and fine-tune regions with precise control over each individual beat.

Avid Media Station|PT 2.7 Software with Video Satellite Option: Running on a separate computer, new Avid Media Station|PT 2.7 software coupled with the new Video Satellite Option brings Pro Tools more deeply into the Avid workflow by enabling Pro Tools editors to quickly and easily play Avid video sequences in sync with Pro Tools|HD. The Video Satellite Option eliminates time-consuming video exports and removes all video-processing burdens from the Pro Tools|HD system by synchronizing playback with Media Station|PT on a separate, dedicated computer.
Nov 10 - 11:51 PM, by melenko (translated by lepetitmartien)Plug-ins > VirSyn
Plug-ins : VirSyn VTAPE - Analog tape Suite - pcmusicVirSyn announced a suite of 2 virtual analogue tape plug-ins :
- VTAPE Saturator (saturation/ compression/ hiss/distortion/ Zero latence).
- VTAPE Delay ( step-sequencer/ tempo sync up to 32 taps/ rotor effect/ tap tab/ filters Lo/Mid/ High/ real time without clicks/ Zero latence).

Until the 30th of November, VirSyn make an introductory price at 99€ (instead of 169).
You can have the VTAPE suite thru the FX Collection, which contains the new reverb REFLECT, for 229€. Demo avalaible on the website.

Works on OSX 10.4 and windows, formats: VST2.4, AU, RTAS
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