Rob Papen Launches eXplorer 2!
This inspirational bundle holds all 9 RP products:
- Blade: The cutting edge of today's synthesizers!
- Punch: Speaker busting and body rattling drum machine.
- BLUE: Crossfusion synthesis. FM, phase distortion, wave shapping & subtractive.
- SubBoomBass: Ultra-deep groove bass synth with built-in step sequencer.
- Predator: Phat analoge synth with killer presets and first class features.
- PredatorFX: Filter, modulation, vocoder and effects plug-in.
- RG: Electric & acoustic guitar grooves with sequencer and synth effects.
- RP-Delay: Delay insanity. reverser, 6 lines, 8 filters, 4 LFOs & more.
- RP-Verb: An advanced, transparent and musical algorithm reverb with easy controls.
- RP-Distort: Wicked FX unit that will distort or alter your tracks.
$139 USD/119€