Download the Saurus demo from the website and produce a short vintage demo
song using only the factory presets. Already got Saurus? no problem, they encourage Saurus owners to
compete as well.
The three best songs will be picked by us, win a prize and featured in the new Saurus product MP3 demo.
- 1st prize: The winner of the best song wins a $250 credit to spend in the Tone2 shop
- 2nd prize: The winner of the second best song wins a $200 credit credit to spend in the Tone2 shop
- 3rd prize: The winner of the third best song wins a $100 credit credit to spend in the Tone2 shop
Everyone else: Not among one of the three winners but still have a good song? anyone who did not win
but whose song is still used in our demo receives a free BiFilter2 license.