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PC and Music News

Through Thursday March 7, 2013
Sep 22 - 05:42 PM, by Huggie Virtual Instrument > Goldbaby Productions
Virtual Instrument : Goldbaby Tape Drum Machines Vol 2 - pcmusicGoldbaby has released Tape Drum Machines Vol 2 for Battery, Guru and Sample Pack. This new volume contains: 10 Drum Machines and 3 Tape Machines for a total of 1838 x 24 Bit drum samples, plus a bonus set of 36 x CR-78 Rex file loops...

Also released is a FREE samples pack: The Tape TR-66 and a set of CR-78 Rex files not included in TDMVol2.

For more information, please visit their website.
Sep 22 - 03:47 PM, by Nantho Plug-ins > QuikQuak
Plug-ins : QuikQuak Fusion Field v2.0 - pcmusicQuikQuak has just released Fusion Field v2.0. Fusion Field is an easy to use diffusion reverb created in response to requests for a RaySpace 'light' and a version of Glass Viper's own diffusion reverb.

Changes :

- Higher quality.
- Initial transients smoothed, improving percussion and short diffusions.
- New distance parameter with realistic attack phase.
- Better stereo balancing.
- Enhancements resulting from hundreds of hours in constant revision.

Fusion Field v2.0 is available now for Windows and Mac OS X in AU and VST formats at a price of £35.
Sep 22 - 12:47 PM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > Mark Of The Unicorn
Virtual Instrument : Review : MOTU Electric Keys - pcmusic"MOTU is a company that has an uncanny ability to jam pack every single audio-visual in/out you can think of into a neat little portable Swiss-army-type black box. They're also known for their excellent digital converters and flagship sequencer, Digital Performer. Electric Keys is a sample-based vintage keyboard player, adding to their growing line up of software instruments, such as the MX4 synthesizer, Ethno Instrument, Mach Five, and Symphonic Instrument. Adding a vintage keyboard emulator to the list seems like a practical next step to help round out things."
Sep 22 - 10:47 AM, by Nantho Computer Hardware > Stanton
Computer Hardware : Stanton SCS.3d DaScratch MIDI controller - pcmusicStanton unveils the SCS.3d a.k.a. DaScratch, the latest addition to the Stanton SC System control surface line. Basically DaScratch is a new touch sensitive MIDI controller especially designed for DJ. Long story short, if you want to learn more about this strange unit, better watch this video on 440tv.

DaScratch will be available soon at an estimated street price of €250.
Sep 20 - 10:47 AM, by Nantho Plug-ins > De la Mancha
Plug-ins : De la Mancha bathtub - pcmusicDe la Mancha has just released bathtub, a new dynamics plug-in for Windows. bathtub is more than just a simple compressor: it does multi-band compression, multi-layer parallel compression, series compression, mid/side compression, Left/Right compression, RMS/Peak detection, side-chaining, look-ahead, limiting & maximizing and has comprehensive metering and clip counting.

bathtub is really two flexible and configurable stereo compressors that can be routed to be in series or parallel, can be fed the input signal split into high/low frequencies or full band, and can perform as different styles of compressor, limiter or maximizer to produce a range of flavours and effects. The metering shows you visually what is happening too, so you can see how much compression and gain you are getting.

bathtub is available now as a VST plug-in for Windows and costs $29.
Sep 19 - 12:47 PM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > Puremagnetik
Virtual Instrument : Puremagnetik free Micropak - pcmusicPuremagnetik has released a free electronic percussion Micropak for Ableton Live 7. Kamoni's Electronic Kits is a 5 kit collection by New York sound designer and electronic drummer Kamoni. From glitchy snares to monstrous sub kicks and dark ominous basses, this Micropak contains a dynamic and experimental palette of sounds that integrates flawlessly into Ableton Live 7 drum racks.

Features :

- Integrated Ableton Live 7 effects chains and macro mappings.
- 5 Expertly programmed kits in various electronic styles.
- Raw samples can be integrated into other production environments and samplers.
- Provides a unique study of sound design techniques in Ableton Live 7.

Kamoni's Electronic Kits is available for free at :
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