Mabuse is a real-time Audiovisual Composition and Performance tool for all electronic music and video makers. Musicians, video artists, performers, VJ's who want to make music, and DJ's who want to make videos in real time. It is a real-time Audiovisual Composition and Performance tool based on Max/MSP/Jitter and extra coding. It is a fully functional AVJ tool - that's AUDIOVISUAL, not just Audio/Visual. You make music and video, all at once on the same machine in real time.
The forthcoming 1.5 version will add in the next 6 months:
Automatic segmentation of Audio and Video files.
Dual channel video with keying support.
freeframe plugin compatibility.
In future releases:
Ability to record whole Mix on instant record.
MIDICLOCK external synchronisation
Recall different movie clips via MIDI.
Adding floating text to the video.
Mabuse runs on OS X 10.4 on both Intel and PPC, as on Windows XP and Vista. Recommended hardware: Mac Pro, MacBook Pro or MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz and 2 GB RAM or on PCs: anything faster than a Pentium 4 3GHz with 1GB RAM
Limited time introduction price £65, normal price will be £95.