TC Electronic and Access are delighted to reveal version 2 of the Access Virus synth for PowerCore. Access Virus version 2 introduces new features as well as a large number of improvements in regards to performance and stability.
In order to meet users demands of a more bandwidth efficient version, we are now including a new stereo version of the Virus. It requires significantly less bandwidth and proves especially useful for PowerCore users working with multiple instances of the plug-in.
Program change is now fully supported, and improves of the workflow for all users.
Version 2.0 addresses a number of instabilities in regards to timing, especially in regards to the arpeggiator, the LFO and any other component synced to clock. It also addresses issues found with certain host applications, such as reare cases of crackling, hanging notes and minor graphical issues.
The 2.0 upgrade is free for all Virus PowerCore users.