Korg unveils the brand new nanoSeries devices which are designed to meet the needs of artists who like to make music on the go but don't want to make any sacrifices in the control department. The range features three compact products: nanoKEY, nanoPAD and nanoKONTROL.
nanoKEY : 25 velocity-sensitive keys, transmitting either as MIDI notes or (via a separate mode) Control Change (CC) messages. Octave shift (natch). Pitch, modulation.
nanoPAD : 12 trigger pads and an X/Y touch pad with roll and flam mode.
nanoKONTROL : 9 faders, 9 knobs, 18 switches, transport controls, MIDI notes, 168 CC messages. There are even attack and decay times for the switches, allowing them to work as faders, filter controls, effects settings, etc...
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