Sound Skulptor is now shipping the MP66, a single-ended class A tube preamplifier, with transformers on input and output. It is inspired by designs from the 60's. It is the fourth module of the Sound Skulptor range of DIY kits which includes 4 microphone pres based on "classic" designs. One up to four modules can be freely combined in a 19" case.
The DIY approach on these products makes them affordable to most, without compromising on quality. The skills needed to built the kit are basic, thanks to careful design and to the very detailed instructions. The products are also available fully assembled for the non-technicians.
The MP66 is not neutral. The transformers and triode valves print their characteristics on the signal. The sound ranges from stunning transparency, with an overwhelming sense of dynamic, when softly driven, to soft valve limiting when pushing the gain further, to a "guitar amp" type of saturation when you push it into the limits. The transition between these modes is very smooth.
Highlights :
- Pure tube audio path, class A, single-ended.
- Lundhal transformer on input, Cinemag on output.
- Output level potentiometer allows driving the tubes from soft to hard and vary the harmonic content.
- Air equalizer adds or cuts harmonics
- DI instrument input goes through both transformers
The MP66 is available direct from Sound Skluptor for €289 in kit form (+ €130 for the assembled version).