Weiss announces the AFI1, a 24 channel FireWire interface with 8 channels of bidirectional AES/EBU interfaces and 16 channels of bidirectional ADAT interfaces.
The AFI1 simultaneously supports the following conversions :
- Firewire to AES/EBU (8 channels)
- AES/EBU to Firewire (8 channels)
- Firewire to ADAT ( 16 channels max.)
- ADAT to Firewire ( 16 channels max.)
Features :
- Inputs : Digital Audio inputs on Firewire (two connectors), XLR (AES/EBU), Toslink (ADAT, two connectors).
- Outputs : Digital Audio outputs on Firewire (two connectors), XLR (AES/EBU), Toslink (ADAT, two connectors).
- Sampling Rates : 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192 kHz. Number of ADAT channels at 44.1/48: 16, at 88.2/96: 8, at 176.4/192: 4.
- Software : Drivers for Windows and OSX operating systems.
- Power Supply : Supply range: 100..240V. Power consumption 10VA max.